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HO-2 (Liver Drainer) - Superior Kit


Sale price$233.79

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Does your pet have difficulty digesting? Is it old? Is it in contact with polluted air, chemical cleaners, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, vaccines, etc.? A more complete treatment to support digestive functions, promote liver and gallbladder health, recommended for liver detoxification.
  • Homeopathic remedy to promote liver, gallbladder health, and liver detoxification
  • Promotes kidney and bladder health and detoxification of the body
  • Supports and enhances the functions of the lymphatic system and immune system

Superior treatment to support digestive functions and promote liver and gallbladder health

  • This treatment consists of the remedies HO-2, HO-1, and HO-3.
  • The HO-2 remedy helps support digestive functions, promote liver and gallbladder health, and is recommended for regular liver detoxification. It is a major asset for animal health.
  • The HO-1 remedy supports urinary functions and promotes kidney and bladder health.
  • The HO-3 remedy helps decongest swelling, detoxify lymph and blood while promoting immune health.
  • Why use these three remedies together? To effectively eliminate toxins through natural pathways, they must pass through the liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system. If the lymphatic system or the body's natural filters (liver and kidneys) are not well-cleaned, and the passage of toxins cannot occur freely and easily through them, it reduces the chances of effective toxin elimination. By using the three remedies together, you give your pet the best chance to improve overall health.

    How to administer the remedy?

    Precautions for use: Follow the dosage instructions.

    Steps to follow:

    • First 3 days: HO-1 remedy (1 spray, every day, in water or directly into the mouth. 30 ml spray bottle).
    • Days 4-6: Add HO-2 remedy (1 spray, every day, in water or directly into the mouth. 30 ml spray bottle) to the HO-1 remedy. Administer together in the mouth or in the same water bowl.
    • From day 7 onward: Add HO-3 remedy (1 spray, every day, in water or directly into the mouth. 30 ml spray bottle) to the HO-1 and HO-2 remedies. Administer together in the mouth or in the same water bowl.
    • 3 to 5 weeks after starting the treatment, you can stop or contact us for dosage evaluation if necessary.


    • HO-1: Argentum nitricum 30k, Asparagus officinalis 30k, Berberis vulgaris 30k, Juniperus communis 30k, Petroselinum sativum 30k, Thlaspi bursapastoris 30k, Solidago vigaurea 30k
    • HO-2: Achillea millefolium 30k, Angelica archangelica 30k, Carduus marianus 30k, Hydrastis canadensis 30k, Argentum nitricum 30k, Taraxacum dens leonis 30k, Lycopodium 30k, Berberinum 30k, Solidago 30k
    • HO-3: Hamamelis virgiana 6x, Apis mellifica 10x, Arnica montana 18x, Natrum sulf. 10x, Thuja occidentalis 10x, Kali carbonicum 10x, Fucus vesiculosus 6x, Ceanthus americanus 6x, Taraxacum officinale 6x, Solidago virgaurea 6x


    IMPORTANT: For all cancers/tumors or suspicion of cancer, please consult our animal health advisors before ordering the HO-3 remedy.

    Essential oils may cancel the effect of homeopathic remedies.

    Store remedies in a cool place.


    The answer is yes. Many health problems in pets are signs that the body is working very hard to eliminate accumulated toxins that slow down the effectiveness of the immune system and harm the proper functioning of organs. Many chronic diseases (constipation, diarrhea, skin rashes, liver and kidney diseases, intestinal parasites, cancers, etc.) are often a sign of a weakened immune system. A complete detoxification will remove harmful toxins and improve the overall functioning of the body, especially the organs that act as filters such as the liver and kidneys.


    • Constipation;
    • Diarrhea;
    • Kidney and liver problems;
    • Skin rashes;
    • Cancers;
    • Intestinal parasites;
    • Urinary tract infections;
    • Etc.


    • Indoor air polluted by the environment, chemical household cleaners, pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers;
    • Vaccines;
    • Certain medications;
    • Processed foods containing dyes and chemical preservatives.

    Denyse Lessard Homeopath for HomeoAnimo

    Denyse Lessard

    Homeopath, Naturopath, Reflexologist, Doctor in Traditional Chinese Medicine & Co-Founder of HomeoAnimo


    Denyse Lessard is the co-founder of HomeoAnimo, created in 2008, and is responsible for a significant portion of the company's range of natural products. These are crafted based on her expertise in homeopathy, naturopathy, and the principles of Chinese medicine.


    Her varied training in these fields allowed her to obtain a diploma in Chinese medicine from CEDRE (Collective for the Study, Development, and Research in Ethnomedicine) in France, a diploma in reflexology obtained under the direction of Madeleine Turgeon, a renowned Quebec author, a diploma in naturopathy and iridology from the College of Alternative Therapies in Quebec, and a diploma in homeopathy from theÉcole d’homéopathie classique in Quebec. Additionally, Denyse is a member of the Professional Union of Homeopaths of Quebec.


    That is why at HomeoAnimo, we have helped thousands of pet owners, veterinarians, and breeders worldwide. They truly appreciate our natural products! Due to their very high quality, real support is provided to your small (or large) companions.


    Moreover, Denyse is also an expert in treating human beings and has been doing so in her clinic for over two decades. “As a homeopathic practitioner, I have spent a lot of time searching for similar homeopathic products for our animal clients with particular health issues,” she says. This is what inspired HomeoAnimo, a site where pet owners have access to a range of high-quality natural products to help their animals when they develop symptoms.


    Customer Reviews

    Based on 10 reviews

    J’aimerais vous parler de Grosminet qui va avoir 13 ans fin novembre 2022.
    Je craignais qu’il ait une insuffisance rénale car en octobre 2019, lors d’un bilan de santé son taux de créatine était de 17,6 (la limite étant 18) et que sur vos recommandations il a pris une cure détox tous les 6 mois à partir de 2020.
    Grosminet avait RV chez le vétérinaire le 30 septembre pour faire une prise de sang pour vérifier son taux de créatine. Et bien à ma grande surprise, son taux de créatine a baissé, il est descendu à 13. J’ai fait savoir au vétérinaire que je lui donnais de l’homéopathie et il m’a conseillé de continuer car il y avait vraiment du résultat. En plus, le vétérinaire m’a également dit que Grosminet n’avait pas de diabète,
    Aussi le produit DETOX que j’ai utilisé depuis 2 ans maintenant a été d’une grande efficacité et je voulais vous le faire savoir !
    Merci à toute l’équipe d’Homéoanimo pour sa très grande disponibilité et la qualité de vos produits !

    Lorraine Cloutier
    foie, lymphe et reins

    mon chien va uriner moins souvent qu'avant et ça presse moins quand elle demande la porte. Beaucoup d'amélioration.

    Lydie Macrez
    Draineur du Foie

    Très bon produit, mon Grosminet va mieux


    Je suis très satisfaite de vos conseils, avec les tonicanimo, les draineurs du foie et des reins
    et de la lymphe et pour les problèmes d'infections, SilverPet.
    Merci beaucoup pour vos compétences et votre amabilité.

    Marie Guillleux Gourmellet

    J'étais septique sur les médicaments pour animaux, non je suis plus médecine douces que conventionnelles, mais sur les animaux je ne connaissais pas.
    Le prix nous arrêtait aussi. Poupette était tellement mal, puisqu'avec notre vétérinaire il était prévu de l'aider à nous quitte définitivement, que nous ne voulions investir autant financièrement. Puis voila nous l'avons et notre Poupette est toujours avec nous avec sa maladie bien sur, mais stabilisée.
    Merci de nous avoir conseillé, d'avoir été près de nous dans les plus mauvais moments d'incertitude
    Nous vous remercions nous vus offrons tous nos vœux pour ces fêtes de fin d'année

    Un kit plus complet pour supporter les fonctions digestives, favoriser la santé du foie et de la vésicule biliaire.
    HO-2 (Liver Drainer) - Superior Kit Sale price$233.79
    Does your pet have difficulty digesting? Is it old? Is it in contact with polluted air, chemical cleaners, pesticides, herbicides, fertilizers, vaccines, etc.? A more complete treatment to support digestive functions, promote liver and gallbladder health, recommended for liver detoxification.
    • Homeopathic remedy to promote liver, gallbladder health, and liver detoxification
    • Promotes kidney and bladder health and detoxification of the body
    • Supports and enhances the functions of the lymphatic system and immune system

    Superior treatment to support digestive functions and promote liver and gallbladder health

    • This treatment consists of the remedies HO-2, HO-1, and HO-3.
    • The HO-2 remedy helps support digestive functions, promote liver and gallbladder health, and is recommended for regular liver detoxification. It is a major asset for animal health.
    • The HO-1 remedy supports urinary functions and promotes kidney and bladder health.
    • The HO-3 remedy helps decongest swelling, detoxify lymph and blood while promoting immune health.
    • Why use these three remedies together? To effectively eliminate toxins through natural pathways, they must pass through the liver, kidneys, and lymphatic system. If the lymphatic system or the body's natural filters (liver and kidneys) are not well-cleaned, and the passage of toxins cannot occur freely and easily through them, it reduces the chances of effective toxin elimination. By using the three remedies together, you give your pet the best chance to improve overall health.

      How to administer the remedy?

      Precautions for use: Follow the dosage instructions.

      Steps to follow:

      • First 3 days: HO-1 remedy (1 spray, every day, in water or directly into the mouth. 30 ml spray bottle).
      • Days 4-6: Add HO-2 remedy (1 spray, every day, in water or directly into the mouth. 30 ml spray bottle) to the HO-1 remedy. Administer together in the mouth or in the same water bowl.
      • From day 7 onward: Add HO-3 remedy (1 spray, every day, in water or directly into the mouth. 30 ml spray bottle) to the HO-1 and HO-2 remedies. Administer together in the mouth or in the same water bowl.
      • 3 to 5 weeks after starting the treatment, you can stop or contact us for dosage evaluation if necessary.


      • HO-1: Argentum nitricum 30k, Asparagus officinalis 30k, Berberis vulgaris 30k, Juniperus communis 30k, Petroselinum sativum 30k, Thlaspi bursapastoris 30k, Solidago vigaurea 30k
      • HO-2: Achillea millefolium 30k, Angelica archangelica 30k, Carduus marianus 30k, Hydrastis canadensis 30k, Argentum nitricum 30k, Taraxacum dens leonis 30k, Lycopodium 30k, Berberinum 30k, Solidago 30k
      • HO-3: Hamamelis virgiana 6x, Apis mellifica 10x, Arnica montana 18x, Natrum sulf. 10x, Thuja occidentalis 10x, Kali carbonicum 10x, Fucus vesiculosus 6x, Ceanthus americanus 6x, Taraxacum officinale 6x, Solidago virgaurea 6x


      IMPORTANT: For all cancers/tumors or suspicion of cancer, please consult our animal health advisors before ordering the HO-3 remedy.

      Essential oils may cancel the effect of homeopathic remedies.

      Store remedies in a cool place.


      The answer is yes. Many health problems in pets are signs that the body is working very hard to eliminate accumulated toxins that slow down the effectiveness of the immune system and harm the proper functioning of organs. Many chronic diseases (constipation, diarrhea, skin rashes, liver and kidney diseases, intestinal parasites, cancers, etc.) are often a sign of a weakened immune system. A complete detoxification will remove harmful toxins and improve the overall functioning of the body, especially the organs that act as filters such as the liver and kidneys.


      • Constipation;
      • Diarrhea;
      • Kidney and liver problems;
      • Skin rashes;
      • Cancers;
      • Intestinal parasites;
      • Urinary tract infections;
      • Etc.


      • Indoor air polluted by the environment, chemical household cleaners, pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers;
      • Vaccines;
      • Certain medications;
      • Processed foods containing dyes and chemical preservatives.

      Denyse Lessard Homeopath for HomeoAnimo

      Denyse Lessard

      Homeopath, Naturopath, Reflexologist, Doctor in Traditional Chinese Medicine & Co-Founder of HomeoAnimo


      Denyse Lessard is the co-founder of HomeoAnimo, created in 2008, and is responsible for a significant portion of the company's range of natural products. These are crafted based on her expertise in homeopathy, naturopathy, and the principles of Chinese medicine.


      Her varied training in these fields allowed her to obtain a diploma in Chinese medicine from CEDRE (Collective for the Study, Development, and Research in Ethnomedicine) in France, a diploma in reflexology obtained under the direction of Madeleine Turgeon, a renowned Quebec author, a diploma in naturopathy and iridology from the College of Alternative Therapies in Quebec, and a diploma in homeopathy from theÉcole d’homéopathie classique in Quebec. Additionally, Denyse is a member of the Professional Union of Homeopaths of Quebec.


      That is why at HomeoAnimo, we have helped thousands of pet owners, veterinarians, and breeders worldwide. They truly appreciate our natural products! Due to their very high quality, real support is provided to your small (or large) companions.


      Moreover, Denyse is also an expert in treating human beings and has been doing so in her clinic for over two decades. “As a homeopathic practitioner, I have spent a lot of time searching for similar homeopathic products for our animal clients with particular health issues,” she says. This is what inspired HomeoAnimo, a site where pet owners have access to a range of high-quality natural products to help their animals when they develop symptoms.


      Customer Reviews

      Based on 10 reviews

      J’aimerais vous parler de Grosminet qui va avoir 13 ans fin novembre 2022.
      Je craignais qu’il ait une insuffisance rénale car en octobre 2019, lors d’un bilan de santé son taux de créatine était de 17,6 (la limite étant 18) et que sur vos recommandations il a pris une cure détox tous les 6 mois à partir de 2020.
      Grosminet avait RV chez le vétérinaire le 30 septembre pour faire une prise de sang pour vérifier son taux de créatine. Et bien à ma grande surprise, son taux de créatine a baissé, il est descendu à 13. J’ai fait savoir au vétérinaire que je lui donnais de l’homéopathie et il m’a conseillé de continuer car il y avait vraiment du résultat. En plus, le vétérinaire m’a également dit que Grosminet n’avait pas de diabète,
      Aussi le produit DETOX que j’ai utilisé depuis 2 ans maintenant a été d’une grande efficacité et je voulais vous le faire savoir !
      Merci à toute l’équipe d’Homéoanimo pour sa très grande disponibilité et la qualité de vos produits !

      Lorraine Cloutier
      foie, lymphe et reins

      mon chien va uriner moins souvent qu'avant et ça presse moins quand elle demande la porte. Beaucoup d'amélioration.

      Lydie Macrez
      Draineur du Foie

      Très bon produit, mon Grosminet va mieux


      Je suis très satisfaite de vos conseils, avec les tonicanimo, les draineurs du foie et des reins
      et de la lymphe et pour les problèmes d'infections, SilverPet.
      Merci beaucoup pour vos compétences et votre amabilité.

      Marie Guillleux Gourmellet

      J'étais septique sur les médicaments pour animaux, non je suis plus médecine douces que conventionnelles, mais sur les animaux je ne connaissais pas.
      Le prix nous arrêtait aussi. Poupette était tellement mal, puisqu'avec notre vétérinaire il était prévu de l'aider à nous quitte définitivement, que nous ne voulions investir autant financièrement. Puis voila nous l'avons et notre Poupette est toujours avec nous avec sa maladie bien sur, mais stabilisée.
      Merci de nous avoir conseillé, d'avoir été près de nous dans les plus mauvais moments d'incertitude
      Nous vous remercions nous vus offrons tous nos vœux pour ces fêtes de fin d'année