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HomeoAnimo™ Wall of Fame

Chien de Rita, France

Aidé par le HO-4 (Draineur de la peau) - Kit Optimal

Maya & Nessy, France

Aidé par l'ARGILANIMO (buvable)

Mitsou & Belamy, France


Lilly, Belgium

Helped with the product PiptoAnimo & l'ARGILANIMO

Étoile, Canada

Helped with the product REMÈDE MAGISTRAL SUR DEMANDE

Nessy, France

Helped with the product PiptoAnimo

Bibou, France

Helped with the product remède CALCULS RÉNAUX

SANJI, France

Helped with the product ConjonctivAnimo

SMOGGY, France

Helped with the product remède Aoûtats


Helped with the product remède Boule de poil

RIN, Switzerland

Helped with the product GencivAnimo

MOON, France

Helped with the product remède Allergie aux acariens


Helped with the product remède Santé rénale

Chien bichon noir et blanc qui s'apelle Obélix avec un jouet dans la gueule. Son maître lui a administré Silverpet et Probioanimo et il est maintenant en bonne santé.

OBÉLIX, France

Helped with the product Silverpet & ProbioAnimo

TIMINE, Canada

Helped with the product TonicAnimo #4

MISS-T, Canada

Helped with the product TonicAnimo #4

RHAVEN, France

Helped with the product GencivAnimo

MARIO, Italy

Helped with the product SilverPet

MIKA, France

Helped with the product TonicAnimo #5

IFIC, France

Helped with the product TonicAnimo #1

LILA, France

Helped with the product PiptoAnimo - Kit optimal

LADY, France

Helped with the product PiptoAnimo - Kit optimal

LUNA, Canada

Helped with the product VessAnimo


Helped with the product OreillAnimo (Otite)


Helped with the product PiptoAnimo - Kit supérieur


Helped with the product VisioAnimo (Cataracte-L) - Kit Optimal

LILA, France

Helped with the product GencivAnimo

ARTHUR, Switzerland

Helped with the product remède Coeur & ProbioAnimo

BONNIE, Canada

Helped with the product TonicAnimo #1

CALINE, France

Helped with the product SilverPet

DUNCAN, France

Helped with the product Articulanimo #1 (Dysplasie de la hanche)

DIXXIE, Canada

Helped with the product Sili-Mer G5

DOUDOU, France

Helped with the product PiptoAnimo - Kit Supérieur

MOON, Switzerland

Helped with the product PiptoAnimo

NEKO, France

Helped with the product PiptoAnimo

LOULOU, France

Helped with the product Détoxification Générale

LUCK, Canada

Helped with the product HarmoniAnimo - Kit Optimal

NOUMÉA, France

Helped with the product remède Métrite - Kit Optimal

KARMA, France

Helped with the product HO-4 (Draineur de la peau) - Kit Optimal

VIOLETTE puppies, Canada

Helped with the product remède Maternité

DARWIN, France

Helped with the product Régénérateur de la peau

It warms our hearts to know that we were able to help each and every one of them! ❤️

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