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chien souffrant d'infection urinaire en besoin d'un remède naturel

6 Natural Tips to Quickly Manage Your Dog’s Urinary Tract Infection at Home in 2025

Have you experienced the discomfort of a urinary infection? If you have, you're likely familiar with the frequent and urgent need to urinate—sometimes even up to 35 times per day!


While this is something we all face occasionally, what about our furry companions? Do they suffer from urinary infections too? And how can we assist our dogs in naturally recovering if they happen to develop one?

This guide will help you recognize the signs of a urinary infection in your dog and provide practical advice for a natural, at-home treatment to ease your dog's cystitis symptoms.


What Triggers Urinary Infections in Dogs?


Dog struggling with urination due to infection


Urinary infections in dogs are primarily caused by bacteria, with Escherichia Coli being the most common offender. These bacteria enter through the urethra and travel to the bladder, leading to inflammation called cystitis.


When dogs don’t urinate frequently enough, the risk of infection increases since the bacteria have more time to multiply and infect the bladder. It’s essential to ensure your dog is given the chance to relieve itself regularly.


Some dogs may be more prone to recurring infections due to their individual health circumstances.


The dog’s diet also plays a key role, influencing the pH of the urine. A slightly acidic pH is ideal, as bacteria thrive in alkaline environments. More details on how to maintain this optimal pH balance are below.


Other conditions, such as bladder tumors or urinary crystals like struvite, may also increase the risk of urinary infections.


Female Dogs and Urinary Infections


Female dogs tend to be more vulnerable to urinary infections compared to males because their urethra is shorter, making it easier for bacteria to reach the bladder.


After being spayed, females may also experience weakened bladder sphincters due to a drop in hormone levels, which can lead to urinary leaks. This incontinence, combined with issues like urine retention and pH imbalance, raises the chances of urinary infections in female dogs.


It’s crucial to monitor both male and female dogs for signs of urinary infections and take swift action to address the condition when necessary.


How Do You Identify a Urinary Infection in Your Dog?


Dog showing urinary infection symptoms


The signs of a urinary infection in dogs can sometimes be subtle, so it’s important to stay observant. Some early indicators include:

  • Your dog struggles to hold its bladder
  • Frequent, small urinations
  • Accidental urination indoors
  • Dribbling small amounts of urine towards the end of urination
  • Urine that appears darker with a stronger odor
  • Male dog urinating like a female (without lifting its leg)


As the infection advances, symptoms may worsen:

  • Your dog seems to experience pain when urinating or strains to go
  • Blood present in the urine
  • Frequent accidents and urinary incontinence
  • Your dog licks its genital area more than usual
  • Noticeable lethargy or reduced activity


Recognizing Urinary Infections in Puppies


In addition to typical signs like:

  • Frequent or painful urination
  • Blood in the urine
  • Lethargy and lack of energy


Puppies might also show unusual behaviors such as:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Increased whining
  • Lack of interest in playing or engaging


Urinary infections in puppies, especially those as young as two months old, can be more difficult to spot. Their symptoms may not be as clear as those seen in older dogs.


Prompt treatment is crucial for puppies, as their developing immune systems make them especially vulnerable to infections.

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When Should You Visit the Vet for a Urinary Infection?


Dog seeing a vet for urinary infection


If you suspect a urinary infection in your dog, it’s best to have their urine tested by a vet as soon as possible.


A veterinarian can diagnose the issue, providing clear guidance on how to treat the infection appropriately.


Although urinary infections are common, the symptoms might also suggest kidney disease, bladder stones, or urinary crystals.


In many cases, early signs are quite subtle, as dogs are excellent at hiding their discomfort. If the infection is advanced, your vet may prescribe antibiotics to eliminate the infection-causing bacteria.


Pharmacy Treatments for Urinary Infections in Dogs


You can find various treatments at your local pharmacy to help with urinary infections in dogs.


Antibiotics like amoxicillin or ciprofloxacin are often prescribed by veterinarians to tackle infections effectively.


Supplements containing ingredients such as glucosamine and D-mannose can also support your dog’s urinary health and general well-being.


Always consult your vet to ensure the treatment plan is tailored to your pet’s specific needs.


For more on natural treatments, continue reading below.


Natural Home Remedies for Urinary Tract Infections in Dogs


Dog receiving treatment for urinary infection


When your dog experiences a urinary infection, some natural remedies can help alleviate the condition, particularly during the early stages. These remedies are beneficial as standalone treatments or alongside professional veterinary care.


Here are some home remedies you can try:




Cranberries are widely known for their benefits in preventing urinary infections in humans, but they may also be helpful for dogs.


Although there is limited scientific evidence, cranberries are believed to help maintain an acidic urine pH, which prevents bacterial growth in the bladder.


Be sure to avoid giving your dog cranberry juice with added sugar, as it could lead to weight gain. Instead, opt for cranberry-based treats designed for dogs.


Consult with your veterinarian to ensure cranberries are safe for your dog, especially if they have underlying health conditions.


Apple Cider Vinegar


Apple cider vinegar, commonly used by humans, may also offer advantages for dogs with urinary infections.


This vinegar helps balance the pH of your dog's urine, neutralizing harmful bacteria in the bladder.


For smaller dogs, add a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to their water or food, and for larger dogs, you can use one to two tablespoons. Offer this remedy twice daily for seven to ten days, depending on your dog's condition.


If your dog dislikes the taste, ensure they have access to fresh water or food separate from the vinegar.


Vitamin C


Vitamin C is another natural remedy that can help acidify your dog's urine, making it more difficult for bacteria to thrive.


An acidic environment in the bladder makes it harder for bacteria to adhere to the bladder walls. However, be cautious with the dosage, as excessive vitamin C can contribute to the formation of oxalate crystals in the urine.


Always check with your vet to determine the correct dose based on your dog's weight and dietary needs.


Keep Your Dog Hydrated


One of the simplest and most effective ways to manage urinary infections in dogs is ensuring they stay hydrated.


By drinking more water, your dog will urinate more frequently, helping flush out the bacteria from the bladder.


Even before a diagnosis, proper hydration can support your dog's overall health and immune system.


Tips to Help Your Dog Drink More Water


  • Place multiple water bowls around your home
  • Mix water with your dog's food to create a wet meal
  • Offer ice cubes as a treat
  • Add a few drops of beef broth to the water


Make an appointment for a free videoconference meeting with one of our animal health experts !

How to Prevent Future Urinary Issues in Dogs


Dog on walk recovering from urinary infection

To prevent urinary infections from becoming a recurring issue, it’s important to monitor your dog’s behavior and overall health.


Regular walks and encouraging your dog to urinate frequently can help prevent the buildup of bacteria.


Consulting a vet or nutritionist can also ensure your dog’s diet promotes urinary health. Ensuring clean, fresh water is always available will support their hydration and immune system.




Now that you are equipped with the knowledge to recognize urinary infections early, you can treat them promptly using these natural remedies. Don't forget to reach out to your vet if necessary.


For more health advice, we also offer Free Health Tips to support your pet’s well-being.


Quick action leads to better outcomes, and your dog will surely appreciate it!


Also, cranberries, apple cider vinegar, and vitamin C are great for humans too—so consider making a healthy salad with these ingredients!


Make an appointment for a free videoconference meeting with one of our animal health experts !


Bonjour Madame Campion, Merci de nous faire part du problème de santé de votre animal. Je vous confirme que nous avons des remèdes qui pourront aider votre chien. Je vous invite à consulter vos mails afin de continuer nos échanges par ce biais. Cordialement


Mon braque allemand de 4 ans se leche les testicules qui sont rouges et il va plus souvent faire pipi .je dois le laisser sortir plusieurs fois la nuit .
Il n,a pas l air d avoir mal .
Que lui donner pour le soulager?

Campion carine

Bonjour M. Daoust, merci de nous avoir contactés. Je suis désolé d’apprendre que votre petit chien souffre d’une infection urinaire. Nous vous enverrons un email pour vous aider. À bientôt.

Denis Daoust

Jais un petit chien avec une infection urine

Denis Daoust

Bonjour Mme Savoie,

Nous allons vous faire parvenir un émail pour vous aider avec votre chienne.


Bonjour, j’ai un Shih Tzu de 10 ans quand il fait pipi il ya quelques gouttes de sang a la fin. J’ai commencé un traitement naturel (Zanimo) pour problème de vessie le 1 novembre. Devrais je consulté un vétérinaire quand même. Je suis inquiète

Savoie Catherina

Bonjour Madame MEYTHIAZ, je suis désolée de lire cela au sujet de votre chienne. Elle doit en effet avoir un souci. Je vais vous envoyer un email avec quelques questions. Avec les réponses nous pourrons vous guider au mieux. Bien cordialement, Camille de HomeoAnimo


Ma chienne Bouvier Bernois de 8 ans urine depuis quelques jours très souvent , parfois des petites gouttes, parfois pratiquement rien mais se baisse quand même pour uriner. La nuit passée elle a uriné au moins 8 x dans la maison, chose qu elle ne fait jamais normalement. Elle n a pas l air d avoir mal, elle a son comportement normal.
Dois je aller consulter chez le vétérinaire ou pourrais je l aider avec un produit naturel ?
Merci d avance pour votre réponse

Meythiaz Suzy

‘Bonjour Mme Carrier. Merci d’avoir contacté HomeoAnimo! Je viens de vous envoyer un email pour vous aider avec votre chiot. Nous espérons avoir de vos nouvelles bientôt. Passez une bonne journée!


Bonjour une femelle chiots à des problème de pipi rouge le vétérinaire m’a donné médicament le pipi est plus rouge il est normal met elle a de la difficulté à faire son pipi

Pierrette Carrier

Bonjour Madame Prince, Merci d’avoir contacté HomeoAnimo! Je viens de vous envoyer une réponse par email pour aider votre chienne avec sa struvite. Nous espérons avoir de vos nouvelles bientôt. Passez une bonne journée!


ma petite femelle fait une struvite de 10cm, le vet me conseille l’opération et je ne suis pas a l aise avec cela, avez vous des façons naturelles pour éliminer? merci

louise prince

Bonjour Madame LATREILLE. Merci de nous contacter à ce sujet. Nous vous envoyons rapidement un email pour en savoir plus au sujet de votre chienne. A très vite.


Bonjour ma chienne a du sang dans ses urine


Merci beaucoup pour votre commentaire Madame Alaster! Nous vous ferons parvenir par courriel un questionnaire afin de bien vous conseiller le meilleur des traitement pour votre animal de compagnie. Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à communiquer avec nous, il nous fera plaisir de vous aider. Au plaisir, Homé

Anna Alaster

Merci. C’est tres interessant. Est-ce que quelqu’un connait un bon service de medecin en ligne qui aide bien et repond bien aux questions? Pas seulement des reponses toutes faites. Merci d’avance!


Merci pour votre commentaire, Mme Guilette. Nous vous avons fait parvenir une réponse par email plus tôt aujourd’hui pour aider votre chien. Nous espérons avoir de vos nouvelles bientôt. Passez une bonne journée!


comment soigner une pierre dans la vessie de mon chien

Nicole Guillette

Merci beaucoup pour vos orientations, ça m’aide avec mes trois toutous. Plaisir de vous lire !!! …


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